Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Product Review: Armstrong Crescendo Groutable Vinyl Tile

When we redid our master bath, flooring was a tough choice- the original avocado green tile was laid atop maybe 3 inches of concrete? We were not ready to tackle trying to redo that. Tiling atop was an option but we also worried about raising the floor height so we would have an uneven threshold. Although it's relatively new we decided to try the peel and stick groutable tile. The tile can be easily scored and snapped using a box cutter, and it goes down with regular tile spacers. Finally, it is grouted with a vinyl grout specifically made for the product. It has a nice textured surface which makes it similar in appearance to porcelain tile. Oh, and it is extremely budget-friendly at under $2 per square foot (we spent about $50 for our medium-sized bathroom.

Bathroom before:


just after... vanity is still dusty, oops-


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